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公司名称: 南京恩饰达商贸有限公司 
所在省份: 江苏  
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: 沙发,窗帘,布艺,软包 家具  
公司简介: 南京恩饰达商贸有限公司简介

南京恩饰达商贸有限公司(前身为南京舒乐沙发厂), 建立至今已有十多年的历史,公司位于美丽的南京,是一家专业生产软体家具的企业, 这个充满活力的企业是由一群对家具和手工艺术品制作充满梦想和激情的艺术家团队组合而成,公司是以家庭式传承工艺为基础且拥有***的设计人员和技术人员,结合国内外家具行业的先进技术和经验的基础上,开拓进取,建立科学有效的管理模式,开辟除了一条独特的雄邦之路。
公司区别于一般机械化、模式化产品特点, 而一直秉承“艺术至上,工艺至上”的理念,旨在为不同理念客户量身定做适合他们品味的室内软饰产品、公共场所整体配套工程设计及制作工程。

Company Introduction

Nanjing N’style commercial Co.,Ltd, (its former name is Nanjing ShuLe furniture Co., Ltd,) have a history of more than decade. The company lies in Nanjing, We are the most professional producer of contemporary fabric sofa, tea table and interiors fabric decoration items.

Our company was combined with a group of artists who were keen on the the manufacturing and designing of home software furniture, they are all full of passion and energtic in the area of the products. Basis on advanced technology and experience within the country or overseas, the company establish an effective management mode.

Our concept is the superme in art, and no.1 of techical, we have been doing different work with other general mechanized and standardize products, our goal is to make all different stylish interior software products for each customers who have different taste.

Being rich in experience, we can rehabilitate strypped-down the ancient furniture according to customer’s direct requirements. Through our careful selection of materials and advenced restoring 
南京恩饰达商贸有限公司 / 江苏 / 南京玄武区卫岗前线歌舞团55号 (210024) / 电话:025-84432369


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